재우니의 블로그



PostgreSQL 로 구축한 asp.net core 2.0 버전이며,  인증은 identity 로 하였고 entityframework 가 아닌 dapper.net 을 통해 구축된 오픈 소스 입니다.



Identity package that uses Dapper instead EntityFramework for use with .NET Core 




Identity package that uses Dapper instead EntityFramework for use with .NET Core - grandchamp/Identity.Dapper



Using Guid as Entity key

Specify the

services.AddIdentity<DapperIdentityUser<Guid>, DapperIdentityRole<Guid>>() .AddDapperIdentityFor<T, Guid>();

Changing the default schema (SqlServer)

Pass a custom class that inherits from SqlServerConfiguration (or other)

public class CustomSqlServerConfiguration : SqlServerConfiguration { public CustomSqlServerConfiguration() { base.SchemaName = "[customSchema]"; } }

And add it with
