이번달에도 어김없이 버전을 올렸네요..
it does a little more, including:
- Elements Returned in Document Order
- .live() Can Now Prevent Bubbling
- :visible/:hidden Overhauled
- .height()/.width() Overhauled
- Selector Speed-up in IE
- .appendTo()/etc. Now Return Inserted Elements
It is also fun to look at the grab back of possible features on the table for 1.4 and beyond. Here are just a few:
- jQuery.require (require JavaScript modules and CSS to load before ready runs)
- Dynamic loading of modules when they're needed (would require synchronous script loading in core)
- $.contains (determine if an element is inside another one)
- Handle HTML injection in XML documents (serialize a DOM then insert)
- Implement a .extract()/.detach() method (remove the element from the DOM, leaves events and data intact)
- Use querySelectorAll for element-rooted queries
- Piggy-back on a central data cache, if one exists.
- Allowing a function as the "setter" argument for .css() -- like we have in .attr() -- and maybe for .val(), .html(), and .text() as well.
- Offset: Faster Initialization, use parseFloat, boundingClientRect check
- Events: Have img.load check for .complete in IE, Multiple binding with namespaces, Event scoping, .live() improvements
- Ajax: Use JSON API if available to parse JSON, Dynamic loading of stylesheets
- Effects: Synchronized animations, fadeTo show also show the element, if it's hidden
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